Stilettos and Diapers Reviews: September 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Veggie Tales Princess and the Popstar Review + {GIVEAWAY}

I don't know about yours, but my little man LOVES Veggie Tales. His "Pa" got him hooked on them when he was little and he hasn't changed his mind about them! I love that I can put on a movie that I know is teaching him manners and character and not be worried in the least about him learning questionable things. 
Veggie Tales latest DVD is The Princess and the Popstar, A story of trading places. I wondered if Cooper would be into it as much as the other ones since it is more geared towards girls, but he loved this one just as much as the rest! 
Fanna Banana and Princess both are unhappy with the lives they are living. They end up trading places only to realize that the lives they have are exactly what God wants for them. It is full of upbeat songs that will totally stick in your head and bring a huge smile to your kids faces. And don't worry. Your kids fave Bob and Larry make appearances as well. 

Want to win your kids a copy? 
I mean, it is less than 90 days to CHRISTMAS! 

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Giveaway ends September 30th at midnight EST.

Getting the nursery ready for baby!

 We have 6 weeks left until baby is here! Although I'm already a Mom and I have so much stuff left over from Cooper, I still feel like I have so much to prepare for. My house hasn't been "baby ready" in 3 years. I also have been thinking more about natural diapers and wipes. I used Pampers with Cooper, but realize now how many chemicals they actually put in them. Seventh Generation diapers and wipes are free of chlorine and fragrances. Seems like that should be what I use, right? 

These are the things I know I need to do and only a few have actually been done. Eek!

1. Wash all the baby clothes and blankets in hypoallergenic, natural baby detergent. I don't want anything hurting that sweet skin! 
2. Put all the toys with little pieces into childproof bins. I can't take Cooper's toys away, but I can make it so he has to ask for them. One tip I heard is to give him a paper towel tube. If the toy can fit through it, its too little to be around the baby. 
3. Since we are reusing the crib and changing table, it all needs to be cleaned with natural cleaners that won't leave any dangerous chemical residue. 
4. Get a big brother gift for Cooper and talk to him about the whole process. I want him to be prepared for us to be at the hospital a few days and for brother coming home. 
5. Get the car seat (that meets safety regulations) installed in the car in a spot that is a safe distance from 3 year old fingers. Hehe. 
6. Pack a bag for the hospital. Although I am scheduled to be induced, I need to have a bag ready just in case baby decides to come even earlier! 
7. Make sure I have bottles, passies, natural diaper ointment, baby washes and other must haves on hand. 
8. Stock up on books and movies for the long breastfeeding sessions while sitting in my bed.
9. Make plenty of healthy meals that can be stored in the freezer and easily heated up by the hubs.  
10. Paint the nursery in plenty of time for the fumes to be all cleared out. (Someone please tell the hubs this one!)

That is my list so far. What are your tips for me in the next 6 weeks? Have you tried Seventh Generations products? What are your thoughts? 

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seventh Generation blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.