Stilettos and Diapers Reviews: June 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Similac SimplySmart Bottle {Review}

Similac sent me their new Simply Smart bottle to try out. Obviously, this guy is loving it! 
The bottle has several super handy features, most of which, I've never seen in a bottle before.

Nipple: The naturally shaped nipple is designed to be more like mom for feeding between breast and bottle.

Intellivent™: This exclusive venting system is designed to minimize baby’s air intake for less fussiness and gas.

SmartClose™: Found only in Similac SimplySmart, the SmartClose reveals a blue shield when the top is secured to prevent leaks and assure the bottle is closed.
 EasyMix™: This innovative mixing device is only found in Similac SimplySmart and is designed to help reduce bubbles and clumps.

Similac On-the-Go™ Powder Cap: A unique cap keeps powder and bottle together and holds enough powder formula for up to one 8-ounce bottle to help busy moms on the go. Cap sold separately.

The nipples come in a variety of flow rates and are BPA free. I like that the bottle is very wide and has a grip area in the middle. It was the first bottle that Callan drank out of on his own, I think mostly because of that large grip section. 

I highly recommend the Similac SimplySmart Bottle and will be purchasing more for us to use! 

Disclosure: I received a free Similac SimplySmart bottle compliment of the Similac brand.  No monetary exchange took place.