Stilettos and Diapers Reviews: May 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Moment For Me (aka, Mom Timeout)

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone. #ArtisanFlavors #CollectiveBias
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Motherhood is a strange thing, ya know? There are moments of complete, overwhelming love for your babies, where you want nothing but to hold them as close as possible. Then there are moments of complete, overwhelming chaos, where you want nothing but to get as far away as possible for a little break. Am I right, Moms? 

Since motherhood is such a demanding job, I think it's essential to take a break. Actually plan time away, not just running out the door in sheer exhaustion when your husband gets home from work. Putting yourself in "mommy timeout" is essential. Thankfully, my husband is very gracious and seems to be able to tell when I need a good timeout for myself. 

My favorite way to spend that time, is on the lake. There's nothing more relaxing to me than to be on the water. And there's no treat I'd rather have out there with me, than some delicious ice cream.

My new favorite? Nestlé® Häagen Dazs new artisan collection. I bought nearly the entire line, because it all looked so good when I was at Walmart! Let me tell you, it's even better than it looks. The Tres Leches Brigadeiro didn't last very long during my moment for me... photo IMG_4354_zpsmqjmtair.jpg
My personal favorite is the Banana Rum Jam. It reminds me of Bananas Foster, which is one of my favorite desserts. Ginger Molasses Cookie and Chocolate Caramelized Oat have been tasted, right out of the container, of course, and are hard to beat. 
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Do you take time for yourself to get away? Studies have shown that vacation makes employees perform better at their jobs. These little mini-vacations for mom are so good for the soul and I think, really help me to be a better mom. 

You don't have to take a whole afternoon on the lake, either. It could be a walk around the block. A pedicure. A cup of coffee, finished while still warm at the coffee shop, or even just an little time in your backyard with a good book. 

Haagen Dazs is helping you treat yourself with this awesome giveaway! 
Häagen Dazs #ArtisanFlavors Contest

Whatever it may be, make sure you take a "moment for me" to recharge those mom batteries. Your family will thank you for it! 

Do you give yourself mom timeouts? What is your favorite moment for me? 

Check out Nestlé® Häagen Dazs on TwitterFacebook and Instagram for more info about their new Artisan Collection! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Running Bay to Breakers

I first started running when we lived in sunny San Francisco. We were newlyweds living in the most gorgeous place, that had perfect running weather almost every day. It could be 100 degrees outside, but the lack of humidity made it perfect. I ran through 6 months of my first pregnancy and trained for my first half marathon with the hubs and a jogging stroller.  

I had so much change in my body from running, that I was addicted. Not only physically, I was leaner with more defined legs and abs, but mentally, as well. Working out does something amazing to your brain, but running, for me, is the best. Pounding the pavement is always such a good release. 

A training schedule helps me stay on track with so many other things in my life. You can't miss too many of your scheduled runs if you want to preform well. When I get up and get my run in, it seems like everything else falls into place that day. I'm pumped, moving and mentally in go mode. Bay to Breakers San Francisco Prep 
While I was pregnant with baby #2, I signed up for my second half marathon. Some people thought I was a little crazy, but I knew having a goal was just what I needed to whip my postpartum body back into shape. I ran in the Rock n Roll DC half with my sister and 2 friends and it was such a rush. 
Bay to Breakers San Francisco | Stilettos and Diapers

A year later, I was ready for another 13.1. I entered the lottery for the DC Nike Women's Half and was thrilled to get in, along with one of my great friends. It was a fantastic race. So many women and so much energy. I beat my goal of 2 hours by just 16 seconds! (I'm turned around waving to my boys around mile 10 here!)
Bay to Breakers San Francisco | Stilettos and Diapers Nike Women's Half

Since I'm pregnant with baby #3 right now, my running has been less than normal, as well as slower than normal. Nonetheless, it still feels so good to get moving. Taking it slower means I have the time to enjoy the scenery of the gorgeous place we live. 
Zappos Bay to Breakers San Francisco | Stilettos and Diapers Zappos Bay to Breakers San Francisco | Stilettos and Diapers

I'm currently searching for my next half marathon, which I'll run next spring sometime. After the baby is born at the end of the summer, I'll have all winter to train and get ready. That also means by next summer, I'll be bathing suit ready! 

Zappos is a company that many people rely on for their running gear. They built their business by offering a large selection of footwear, but have added apparel, accessories, luggage and more in the past 15 years. Now boasting over 150,000 styles from over 1,000 brands, they'e so much more than shoes! With amazing customer service, always fast and free shipping and a free 365 day return policy, you can always count on Zappos. I count on them for a variety of my favorite brand of running shoes as well as tons of popular brands in clothing that I love. 

This year, Zappos is the official sponsor of the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco on May 17, 2015. If you're up for the #BaytoBreakingRecords challenge, head here to register!  
Zappos Bay to Breakers San Francisco | Stilettos and Diapers

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.